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Diane "Shorty" Aupperle (May)
Patricia "Trish" Badgerow (D…)
Dorothy "Sue" Baer (Schlink)
Roger Ball
Bill Barclay
Karen Bartlett (McGuire)
John "Parker Pen" Bauman
Robert "Yogie" Bear
Walter Beechler
R. Steven Bell
Paul Berkshier
Gerald "Gerry" Bie…
Larry "Red" Bierwirth
Sharon Blankenship
Robert "Bob" Blazek
Frank Brooks
Dixie Brown (Gray)
Katherine "Katie" Brown (Tho…)
Nancy Brown (Hartjen)
Judy "Face" Bruce (Sindt)
Kenneth "Ken" Bruninga
Chester Burdett (Jr)
John Bush
Judy Bushong (Sawyer)
Russell "Russ" Campen
Bill "Willie" Carey
Connie Carmody (Bevard)
Janet "Jan" Carr (Noe)
James "Jim" Case
Milo "Bud" Clayton
Thomas Cochran
Carol Conner (Cotton)
Rosemary Copeland
Steve Cowen
Charlotte "Char" Cox (P…)
Carol Craig (Atkins)
Paul W. (Mike) Crowley
Lydia "Gidget" Cupi (Crilly)
Karen Dawson (Bohm)
Kathy DeBolt (Jester)
David "Dave" Deeds
Richard "Dick" Delawder
David "Dave" DeLong
Don "Carrot Top" Denson
Janice Doubet (Grafelman)
Earl Dunham
Sara Durham (Kaufmann)
Ellen Ector (Orr)
JoAnne "Jo" Eisele (Conner)
Shirley Engle
Henry "Hank" Ezel
William "Bill" Fales
Joyce "Sparrow" Farrow (Hislope)
Mace Fennell
Melba Ferguson
Karen Finley (Ulrich)
Dawn "Sunset" Fitzpatrick (F…)
Jeff "Junkyard" J. Fl…
Lois Frerichs (Sturgis)
Jan Garmers
Karla Geick
Bonnie Gentry (Gilmore)
Harry Gillham
Lee Gilmore
Douglas Glass
Bill Goodwin
Janet Goveia (Shank)
Jill Grace (Crotty)
Rosalind "Rosie" Graf…
Steve Green
Vivian "Viv" Halsted (Bear)
Patricia Hanchett (Corey)
Judith Hand
Carol "Tub" Harris (Braden)
Helen Katherine Harris
Gene Harshbarger
Larry "Butch" Hartness
Robert Hatten
Terry Hatterman
Richard Hattermann
Gene Heller
Denny Higgins
Freda Holliday (Burton)
Judith "Bunny" Holman (Eddy)
Joanne Hopwood (Lorendo)
Arthur "Art" Hunt
Norma Hurn (Wright)
Phyllis "Phyl" Jacobs (Howle)
Bill James
Sherry James (Masters)
Ben Johnson
John Johnson
Mildred "Millie" Johnson (Gregg)
Sharon Johnson (Otto)
William Johnson
Bonnie Jost (Cusack)
Judy Kaldi (Jenkins)
Nancy "Nanc" Keith (Plumer)
Delbert "Kelly" Kelly
Ronald Kelly
William Kelly
Larry "Kemp" Kemper
William H. "Bill" Kidd
Kaethe "Kath" Kruse (Schick)
Gwynn Lakota (Augustyn)
Barbara "Gabby" Langanis (So…)
Susan Lauterbach (Skinner)
Richard Lewey
Carrol "Louy" Lewis (Langanis)
Arthur Lindsey (Jr)
Sharon "Blossom" Lipke (Toland)
Daniel Dwayne "Dan" M…
Sandra "Sandy" Mauerman
Gary Maxwell
Sylvia "Sil" McClain (Courtr…)
Vera McCloud
Jim McClugage
Judy "McGoo" McGee (Segler)
David McMillan
George McMullen
Carolyn Meece (Meece)
Dean Meier
Judy "Jud" Meinders (Gr…)
Delores Middleton (Koziol)
Don Middleton
Mike Miller
Vivian "Vee" Millington
Ed Mohn
Kenneth "Kenny" …
Jerry Monterastelli
Charles Morris
David "Dave" Nenigar
Gary "Newb" Newby
Karon Newton
Gennievive "Genny" Neyrinck
Ila "Jeannie" Oliver (Clauser)
Marilyn "Kay" Overturf (Hogue)
David "Dave" Papendick
Ed Partlow
Pat Patton (Meinders)
Betti "Bets" Pearson …
Ron "Clown" Pfahl
Marilyn "Diane" Pfister
Ed "Fuzzy" Pheasant
Sharon Elayne "Pixie"…
Larry Philyaw
James "Jim" Pike
Harold Prather
Patrick "Whitey" Quinn
Barbara "Bongos" Rakestraw
Beverly "Bev" Ramsey (Stewart)
Carol Randle
Ellis "Butch" Randle
Richard Ritchey
June Roth (Hamilton)
Edwin "Bowley" Rowley
David "Dave" Rushing
David "Dave" Salrin
Donald Salter
Cy "Dilly" Sanders
Douglas "Doug" Sandlin
Sharon Sandretto (Kutkat)
Gail Wayne Sary
Thomas Sauder
Susan "Sue" Schindler (Davis)
Dale Schultz
Dora Schultz (Myers)
Edward "Ed" Schuster
Gerald "Judd" Schwindenhammer
Sharon "Sherri" Scoles
Janice "Scotty" Scott
John "Seg" Segler
Sandra "Sandy" Segler (Beckman)
Sandra "Smokey" Shack…
Kathryn "Kay" Sharp (Modglin)
Shelia Simmons (Higham)
Wanda "Skinny" Skinner
John Smith
Larry "Joe" Smith
Nancy "Shmoe" Smith (Strunk)
Judith "Judy" Snedden
Karl Spiker
Loyal Sprague
Paul E Springer
Gary Stafford
William "Bill" Stagg
Dennis Stear
Brady "Ed" Stone
Lynda Sullivan (Oakes)
Thomas "Tommy" Sullivan
Wilma Sullivan (Munson)
Bill Tasker
Glenn Taylor
Judith "Judy" Taylor (Howard)
Richard "Dick" Trentl…
Anita Tyler (Dickison)
Charles Vandak
Carolyn VanDyke (Burkholder)
Alvin Veatch
Jeanette Veatch (Bloom)
Linda "Lee" Warner (Jones)
Vicki "Vic" Warner (Wilkinson)
George Wassi
Mary Kay Weachter
Bobbie Welch (Hart)
Susan White (Ahten)
David "Dave" Wilkinson
Gary Wilkinson
Eric Williams
Judy Williams (Boyer)
Virginia "Ginny" Williams
LeRoy Wiseman
Larry Wolfe
Ken Wolland
Larry Woody
Jerry Wright
Guest Members
Anne (Clinton Home Eco…)
James Adams
Frank Bailey (Teacher &…
Donald Bangert (Teacher)
Charles Richard Barnett …
Douglas Bowers (Teacher)
Bruce Boyle (Teacher/Co…
Laird Carter (Math Teac…
Jack Clinton (Spanish …)
Norman Endsley
Edward Herzog …
Conrad Hopp (Teacher & …
Elizabeth Krumpe (Choir…
Frank Leach (Dean Of Bo…
Paul Malmgren (Science …
Lois Mason (Teacher)
Joseph McCraith (Shop T…
Clara McCraith (Teacher)
Vangene Meredith (Dean …
William (Bill) Morse (B…
L. D. Murray (Superinte…
Kenneth Oswald
Fred Reinholdt (Teacher)
Jean Risen (Business Te…
Adeline Rosenbohm (Secr…
Gloria Schmidt (Teacher)
Elaine Sommerfield (Rule …)
Larry Stalter (Typing T…
Peggy Tjarks (Office …
Mary Margaret Walker (Engl…)
Joe Wilkerson (Shop Tea…
Gerald Wyzlic (Chemist…
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